This is an extraordinary Japanese cartoon (anime) which inspired youngsters all around the globe for more than ten years already. It was a story of a boy who has a extraordinary hidden power inside his body. His dream was to save his planet which was half destroyed and continually destroying by a group of alien heads called Freza. He and his teammates was quested to find seven dragon balls in order to grant three wishes from the dragon G.kai to save their planet. However, this journey was extremely hardcore, he needed to fight with many alien monsters and enormous planet creatures to find those seven dragon balls. Moreover along the way to find dragon ball he also made ally with his enemies such as people in Vegeta planet. Obstacles always have along their way, he was also chased by those alien heads (Freza), they were so damn strong, they can generate their bodies back after destroyed. Goku and team fought till their last breath, they always got back up no matter how many time they fell down. With the help of his teammates ,Goku was able to collect all those seven dragon balls. Guess what they wished for. His wishes were not for himself, his wishes were for planet and for and his teammates who had died in battle.
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